##### translated strings ##### %d Bytes == %d 字节 %d of %d servers, %d players == %d/%d 个服务器, %d 个玩家 %d%% loaded == 已载入 %d%% %ds left == 还剩下 %d 秒 %i minute left == 还剩下 %i 分钟 %i minutes left == 还剩下 %i 分钟 %i second left == 还剩下 %i 秒 %i seconds left == 还剩下 %i 秒 %s wins! == %s 获胜! -Page %d- == 第 %d 页 Abort == 取消 Add == 添加 Add Friend == 添加好友 Address == 地址 All == 所有 Alpha == 透明度 Always show name plates == 总是显示玩家名称 Are you sure that you want to delete the demo? == 确认删除这段录像? Are you sure that you want to quit? == 确认退出游戏? Are you sure that you want to remove the player from your friends list? == 确认从好友列表中删除该好友? As this is the first time you launch the game, please enter your nick name below. It's recommended that you check the settings to adjust them to your liking before joining a server. == 这是您第一次进入游戏,请在下方添加您的昵称。 建议在开始游戏前调整游戏设置。 Automatically record demos == 自动保存录像 Automatically take game over screenshot == 游戏结束后自动截图 Blue team == 蓝队 Blue team wins! == 蓝队获胜! Body == 身体 Call vote == 发起投票 Change settings == 改变设置 Chat == 聊天 Clan == 战队 Client == 客户端 Close == 关闭 Compatible version == 版本相同 Connect == 连接 Connecting to == 连接到 Connection Problems... == 连接错误... Console == 控制台 Controls == 控制 Count players only == 去除只能旁观的位置 Country == 国家 Crc: == Crc校检: Created: == 时间: Current == 当前 Current version: %s == 当前版本: %s Custom colors == 自定义颜色 Delete == 删除 Delete demo == 删除录像 Demo details == 录像详细信息 Demofile: %s == 录像长度: % 秒 Demos == 录像 Disconnect == 断开连接 Disconnected == 已断开连接 Display Modes == 显示模式 Downloading map == 正在下载地图 Draw! == 平局! Dynamic Camera == 自动视角 Emoticon == 表情 Enter == 进入 Error == 错误 Error loading demo == 录像载入错误 FSAA samples == 抗锯齿 Favorite == 收藏 Favorites == 收藏夹 Feet == 脚 Filter == 过滤器 Fire == 开火 Folder == 文件夹 Force vote == 强制投票 Free-View == 自由视角 Friends == 好友 Fullscreen == 全屏 Game == 游戏 Game info == 游戏信息 Game over == 游戏结束 Game type == 游戏类型 Game types: == 游戏类型: General == 基本 Graphics == 图像 Grenade == 榴弹枪 Hammer == 锤子 Has people playing == 有玩家 High Detail == 高细节 Hook == 绳索 Host address == 主机地址 Hue == 色调 Info == 信息 Internet == 互联网 Invalid Demo == 无效的录像 Join blue == 加入蓝队 Join game == 加入游戏 Join red == 加入红队 Jump == 跳 Kick player == 踢除玩家 LAN == 局域网 Language == 语言 Length: == 长度: Lht. == 亮度 Loading == 载入中... MOTD == 每日消息 Map == 地图 Map: == 地图: Max Screenshots == 最大截图数量 Max demos == 最大录像数量 Maximum ping: == 最大ping值: Miscellaneous == 杂项 Mouse sens. == 鼠标灵敏度 Move left == 向左移动 Move player to spectators == 将玩家移至旁观席 Move right == 向右移动 Movement == 基本 Mute when not active == 游戏非激活状态下静音 Name == 名称 Name plates size == 显示大小 Netversion: == 网络版本: New name: == 新文件名: News == 新闻 Next weapon == 下一个武器 Nickname == 昵称 No == 否 No password == 没有密码 No servers found == 找不到服务器 No servers match your filter criteria == 找不到匹配的服务器 Ok == 确定 Open == 打开 Parent Folder == 上层目录 Password == 密码 Password incorrect == 密码错误 Ping == Ping Pistol == 手枪 Play == 播放 Play background music == 背景音乐 Player == 玩家 Player options == 玩家选项 Players == 玩家 Please balance teams! == 双方人数不平衡! Prev. weapon == 前一个武器 Quality Textures == 高纹理 Quick search: == 快速查找: Quit == 退出 Quit anyway? == 无论如何退出? REC %3d:%02d == REC %3d:%02d Reason: == 理由: Record demo == 录制录像 Red team == 红队 Red team wins! == 红队获胜! Refresh == 刷新 Refreshing master servers == 正在刷新服务器 Remote console == 远程控制台 Remove == 移除 Remove friend == 移除好友 Rename == 重命名 Rename demo == 重命名录像 Reset filter == 重设过滤器 Reset to defaults == 重设为默认 Rifle == 激光枪 Round == 回合 Sample rate == 采样率 Sat. == 饱和度 Score == 得分 Score board == 得分榜 Score limit == 分数限制 Scoreboard == 得分榜 Screenshot == 截图 Server address: == 服务器地址: Server details == 服务器详细信息 Server filter == 服务器过滤器 Server info == 服务器信息 Server not full == 有空位 Settings == 设置 Shotgun == 霰弹枪 Show chat == 显示聊天信息 Show friends == 有好友 Show ingame HUD == 在游戏中显示Tee的状态 Show name plates == 在游戏中显示玩家名称 Show only supported == 只显示系统支持的分辨率 Size: == 大小: Skins == 皮肤 Sound == 声音 Sound error == 声音错误 Sound volume == 音量 Spectate == 旁观 Spectate next == 旁观下一个 Spectate previous == 旁观上一个 Spectator mode == 选择旁观对象 Spectators == 旁观者 Standard gametype == 标准游戏 Standard map == 标准地图 Stop record == 停止录像 Strict gametype filter == 严格的游戏过滤器 Sudden Death == 突然死亡 Switch weapon on pickup == 自动转换到拾取的武器 Team == 队伍 Team chat == 队内聊天 Teeworlds %s is out! Download it at www.teeworlds.com! == Teeworlds %s 已经更新! 请到www.teeworlds.com下载最新版本! Texture Compression == 纹理压缩 The audio device couldn't be initialised. == 音频设备无法初始化. The server is running a non-standard tuning on a pure game type. == 该服务器正在运行一个非标准类型的游戏. There's an unsaved map in the editor, you might want to save it before you quit the game. == 编辑器中还有一张未保存的地图, 在退出游戏前您可能需要保存它。 Time limit == 时间限制 Time limit: %d min == 时间限制: %d 分钟 Try again == 重试 Type == 类型 Type: == 类型: UI Color == 主界面颜色 Unable to delete the demo == 无法删除录像 Unable to rename the demo == 无法重命名录像 Use sounds == 启用声音 Use team colors for name plates == 名称与组队颜色一致 V-Sync == 垂直同步 Version == 版本 Version: == 版本: Vote command: == 投票命令: Vote description: == 投票描述: Vote no == 反对 Vote yes == 赞成 Voting == 投票 Warmup == 热身时间 Weapon == 武器 Welcome to Teeworlds == 欢迎来到Teeworlds Yes == 是 You must restart the game for all settings to take effect. == 要使所有设置生效,必须重新启动游戏。 Your skin == 形象设置 no limit == 没有限制 ##### needs translation ##### ##### old translations #####