Administration options Option Value range Standard Description sv_msg_intervall 0-10000 4 After what time the message sv_min_msg is displayed (minutes). sv_min_msg max. 512 chars A message displayed every sv_msg_intervall minutes in the chat. sv_msg_frame_time 0-10000 4 After this time the server decreases the number of messages a player sent by one. (So it's kind of messages per minute here) sv_max_msgs 0-10000 5 Maximal messages before muting the player. (So that's something like toleranz to the sv_msg_frame_time value) sv_msg_mute_time 0-10000 90 How long are people muted sv_max_idle 0-10000 60 After this time afk-players join the spectators sv_kick_idle 0-1 1 Kick afk-player if the server is full sv_pre_password_msg max. 512 chars Here is your password for the professional server. It's the correct one for this day and your nick, noone else. Message the server gives the player who receives a password for pro-server sv_generate_pro_pw 0-1 0 Gives good players a password at the end of a round. sv_use_pro_pw 0-1 0 The player has to type in the custom password for his name or the general password. sv_pro_password max. 32 chars The general password for the professional server (is needed to generate and check passwords) sv_reserved_slots 0-1000 0 Number of reserved slots sv_reserved_slot_pass max. 32 chars Password for a reserved slot sv_handle_mapvotes 0-1 1 Generates a special debug message and gives the player the feeling of voting for the map sv_silent_mode 0-1 0 No servermessages in the chat sv_total_silence 0-1 0 Disables the chat sv_spec_silence 0-1 0 The spectators can't speak global only under the spectators sv_cwscore 0-1 0 Should cw_score be displayed at the end of a round (cw_score is the sum of won rounds by a team) Commands Admin (F2-console) * reset (Resets the game, but not the scores, especially for ball gametype if the ball is gone) * mute